Fairytale: A quest for muchness


Natasha Sutherland

Medium Paperback

Signed (to someone) by the author

1 in stock


We all know the fairytale drill, don’t we? Girl wants boy (or power, fame or money). Boy meets girl. Boy wants girl too (as well as power, fame and money). Add a bit of magic, and there you have They all lived happily ever after!

But what happens after ‘happily-ever-after’? What happens when crisis hits? When the prince falls out of love? When the castle’s roof leaks? Or when retrenchment enters the kingdom? When we are so busy being a wife, mother, career woman, lover, friend, daughter … that one day we open our eyes to find that the magic has gone?

What happened to the fairytale life I used to dream of?
And how do I reclaim MY Muchness?

Your Muchness? It’s your mojo, your vooma, your oomph, your sparkle … your personal brand of magic.

In fairytale Natasha Sutherland confesses to having lost her Muchness. With a little help from her friends, she embarks on a search for her sparkle.
On this quest, you’ll find inspiration to …
* become ‘unstuck’ …
* change the way you think about men …
* make the most of your network of women …
* embrace your wild side …
* tantalise your senses …
* discover what makes you tick …
* experience the oohh of orgasms …
* make a chocolate torte!